All the playbills that we represent for the 2014-15 Season. Your business can help support to keep these cultural programs alive.
Advertising that is a Win-Win!
Cultural Arts programs for the Florida Keys theaters, music, art and Key West festivals are proven vehicles to get your ad seen and show your support for the live performances in Key West and the Florida Keys.
With your support, the Florida Keys will continue to be the cultural center we are known for.
Collectively, these playbills land directly into the hands of the approximately 70,000 captive audience members over all events in the course of the 2014-15 Season.
Published annually with the opening of each season/festival, the playbill includes pertinent information for each show, biographies of cast members, directors, technicians, designers, festival event information, maps, and information on the upcoming seasons. The ad rates are for an entire season of advertising. All programs are the same specs except Marathon Community Theatre.
- The festivals host a variety of folks: 75% tourists, 25% local, ages 21- 75.
- The theatre audiences are composed of:
54% female; 46% male
48% local; 52% visiting patrons
14% are 36-49; 51% are 50-64; 32% are 65+
86% are college graduates
78% make over $100K
If your target audience is:
Almost 100% Local market: The Anne McKee Fine Art Auction, Nutcracker Key West and Key West Summer Stage are your programs. Theatre patrons include parents, grandparents, friends of parents, aunts & uncles for Nutcracker Key West . Both Anne McKee and Key West Summer Stage draw a large local audience.
Tourists and Locals with a disposable Income: Marathon Community Theatre, Key West Fringe, Red Barn Theatre, Tennessee Williams Encore Series, Theatre XP, Waterfront Playhouse, Impromptu Classical Concerts, Nutcracker Key West, South Florida Symphony, Anne McKee Fine Art Auction, & Truman Foundation is your choice for placement of your ad.
Keys Destination marketing: South Florida Symphony reaches Dade, Monroe & Broward counties up to West Palm Beach.
Targeting tourists in town and wanting to support the festivals that bring them: Key West Film Festival, Key West Food & Wine Festival & Key West Songwriter’s Festival, Miss Gay Southernmost USofA and Mystery Writers Key West are your programs.